"Crystal, someone has bugged our hot tub. We need to destroy this camera that looks like a rock so they don't get anymore pictures of your butt."
"Well, I am wondering if it has anything to do with that educational wiretapping class that the Cave Monkey Clan is offering being taught by Deputy Iputmywifeawaytoo? I hear Deputy Iputmywifeawaytoo goes to clandestine local nazitupperware meetings hosted by Mr.Igottabuginyourphone. Those guys are native to this area and have perfected bugging the rear view mirrors of bicyclists! They are notorious! "
"Who knows Crystal, but one thing is for sure, I am going to get to the bottom of this. There is no need to take pictures of my wife's tush! That is not educational!"
Next: Crystal finds the educational transcripts to the wiretapping classes.