"Well Crystal - we need to put our faith in the authorities. I am sure Deputy Iputmywifeawaytoo and Ilovemydoggies would want to find Thephoneman. It is not their job to cover up evidence, that is obstruction of justice. After all, what could Thephoneman know that might be damaging evidence in this court case that Thegoodneighbors are initiating?"
"Well, I think it stinks Braveheart. You and I both know that Neanderthalman also knew about the death plot of Ilovemydoggiestoo. Why would he have knowledge of these private educational phone conversations that Deputy Iputmywifeaway was collecting?"
"I know Crystal, it is like a story out of CSI. I think we need to go to the clerk of Huckleberry Land. Her name is Fishandgamediva, maybe she can help us."
NEXT: Thephoneman never testifies and Fishandgamediva threatens Braveheart and Crystal with the SWAT team.