"Oh no. That's fine. I am taking my sugar pills and I suspect that my hair disorder will clear up soon. My hat works fine and besides, Frankncut, my hairdresser sold me a couple of tubes of shoe polish to cover up the bald spots."
"Neanderthalman had breakfast at the Coffee Cave the other day when I was cooking. He said that you needed to enjoy yourself and shop more. Shopping and spending money is good for you! It will take your mind off of that frightful hair disorder. You should buy this beautiful fur coat! After all, Neanderthalman is a successful man and he has built you a lean-to of willow branches! There are so many women with nice hair like myself, that would want your lean-to. You need to buy this coat so the clan members will look at the fur and not your hair!"
"That is a good idea, Betty! No need to draw attention to my hair condition. After all, Neanderthalman says it is my fault and I must remedy the situation. Next week I go back to Dr. Quackgrass so he can evaluate my hair progress."
"I am sure it will be much better, just as long as you keep using the shoe polish and take your sugar pills. You sleep in tomorrow Crystal, and grow some hair. I am cooking again at the Coffee Cave. I am so happy to be your friend!"
Crystal and Betty buy the coat and have lunch. Betty decides to cook Neanderthalman extra big ostrich eggs for his breakfast tomorrow and plans on letting him know that Crystal spends way too much money and is having an affair with Dr. Quackgrass!
Next: Neanderthalman is livid and seeks legal counsel to send Crystal to the Cukoo's Nest in Forest Grove.