Betty also owned the Cave Hut where she served all of Neanderthalman's good buddies!
"Betty, I am afraid that Crystal had to go see Dr. Quackgrass over her frightful bad hair. Dr. Quackgrass has given her many prescriptions for this very serious disorder and she will have to go see him on a regular basis, so he can monitor her hair. I talked with Dr. Quackgrass over golf last week and he is very concerned."
"Oh, so am I, Neanderthalman! That is too bad about Crystal. I should go visit her. We could become friends and have scrapbook party luncheons! She is so lucky to have you, Neanderthalman! She has a lean-to made of willow branches!"
"That would be good if you became friends with Crystal. It is sad that her hair falls out, but that is not my fault. It is that terrible bad hair disorder. I hope it doesn't become so bad that I have to send her to the Cukoo's Nest in Forest Grove! I am afraid that her bad hair runs in the family and like her mother she will end up there!"
"Don't worry, Neanderthalman. I will become friends with Crystal so we can keep an eye on her and make sure she takes her sugar pills! I will go get your eggs, now." Betty whispers in Neanderthalman's ear as her long hair brushes against his face,"I am so glad you came in early so we could talk before the crowd gets here!"
The rest of the clan drag themselves into the Coffee Cave for the eye opener and of course a good look at Betty's hair. The early morning topic was the dinosaur hunt and the possibility that Neanderthalman might have to send Crystal to the Cukoo's Nest in Forest Grove.
Next: Betty and Crystal go shopping!