"Oh, thank you Frankncut! I don't know what I would do if I could not get my hair done!"
"Well, I will fix you right up! We will just use a little of this shoe polish to cover up those spots! No problemo here for the Master Frankncut! So, are you taking your sugar pills? I heard at the local Coffee Cave this morning that Neanderthalman said you have a frightfull bad hair condition and Dr. Quackgrass is working with him to cover it up -- oops I mean fix it! So, make sure you take your medication, Crystal! Look in the mirror, see how that shoe polish works!"
"Oh, it does work! How much is it? I need three or four of those tubes!"
"I will throw one in for free, since you are such a good customer. One hundred and fifty bucks should do it for the cut and products! See you in a week or two, gotta keep those short hairs off!"
Next: The Coffee Cave