"These could be yours, Judge Snow Queen. Of course this is all off the record and consider this a gift. There is no paper trail to these ivory bones so there would be no possibility of anyone accusing you of accepting these for any favors, so to speak."
Mr. Iamcorrupt winks, then winks again.
"Are you sure, Mr. Iamcorrupt? If that is the case I can afford to make an erroneous decision and there will be no proof that I lack judgement! Okay, but of course this meeting never happened. Leave the bones here, so I can chew on them."
Judge Snow Queen calls the court to order.
"I hereby commit Crystal to the Cukoos Nest in Forest Grove because I have conferred with Dr. Quackgrass unbeknowest to her, and he says she is not capable of growing hair and will never be able to grow hair. Her prognosis is not fit for Neanderthalman, who has many ivory bones and who desires the cook at the Coffee Cave. Neanderthalman says he will sue Dr. Quackgrass for improper conduct since Crystal has gone to him many times and never grows hair. He can prove that Dr. Quackgrass is having an affair with Crystal and he is tired of paying for it! Also, while we are at it, I grant Neanderthalman a divorce unless Crystal can provide adequate testimony that she can grow hair! And, even if she does we all know that I have the ivory bones so in that case, Neanderthalman, you get everything! Crystal will have a roof over her head at Forest Grove and the taxpayers can pay for it!
Judge Snow Queen shrieks, "The bones are mine!"
Crystal turns white then runs out of the courtroom.
Next: Crystal barrels into Braveheart