Neanderthalman just got worse ever since she had listened to the Police Gang Unit and went to Dr. Quackgrass. He continued to call her names and drag her across the floor then humiliate her because her hair fell out.
"I have had enough Crystal, your hair is still lifeless and dull, I can't put anymore money into you. I am going to Mr. Iamcorrupt and I am going to have to put you away. You are not taking your sugar pills, obviously or your hair would stand up to my drags. You are history Crystal. It is time for you to take a nice long vacation. If your hair grows while you are there, we will talk about getting back together again."
Crystal scared out of mind, fled to find herself a lawyer who would help. She had heard about the Cukoos Nest where they fry your brain with hotsticks to make hair grow. But there were no lawyers for Crystal. Since Neanderthalman was part of the Tree Mafia Gang and the Monkey Cave Clan, she was fodder for the hunt and she felt hunted.
"Crystal. Are you taking your sugar pills?"
"Oh, yes Mr. Iamcorrupt, everyday religiously."
"Then why is your hair dull and lifeless?"
"I don't know, probably because bad hair does not run in my family and the pills are not working?"
"You are hostile, Crystal. You are not cooperating. You are lying and we need to put you away to monitor your medication and your pills. Judge Snow Queen, I recommend that you order Crystal to the Cukoos Nest in Forest Grove for an undetermined time until we can establish her hair growth."
Judge Snow Queen draped in her bull-hide robe fidgets restlessly at the bench sniffing her fingers and states, "I need the testimony of Dr. Quackgrass before I make my decision -- but let's take a break now."
Next: Judge Snow Queen and Mr.Iamcorrupt go behind closed doors to make the deal.