"Gad, Betty! I hate to do this but I see no other way around it! Ever since you told me about Crystal's affair with Dr. Quackgrass, I had to call my good friend from the Tree Mafia Gang and get a lawyer so I can put her away. I have enlisted the services of Mr. Iamcorrupt. I can only assume that her bad hair condition is the reason for her behavior. But, that doesn't mean I have to put up with it! After all, I am paying Dr. Quackgrass for his services! It is his job to fix her!"
"Neanderthalman, I know you are crushed! But, after it is all over we, I mean you, will be better off for it and Crystal will get the help she needs in Forest Grove. While she is there at the Cukoo's Nest you will be able to secure your empire so she does not run off with Dr. Quackgrass and take everything from you!"
"I know it is all a pity. I am sure Dr. Quackgrass will cooperate. After all he has breached the patient/professional relationship and he will help me put her away, now. He is in serious trouble!"
"Exactly, Neanderthalman!" Betty's eyes twinkle in delight dreaming of her brand new lean-to made out of oak!
Next: Crystal fights the battle against Mr. Iamcorrupt.