Please consider us seriously. In order to stop this insane behavior we must identify the insanity and that insanity rests with the decision making of Judge Snow Queen who is obviously off her rocker. It is time to tie her down and get her back on it! We may have to petition the people to put her away 'lest she will continue to shreek away at the bench and take more ivory bones in lieu of sanity. We also hear that she collects cows and says, "Moo" in her sleep. This is very bizarre and reflects on her tasteless choices which also includes removing a wall in her living room with a chain saw. We also understand that she has a bit part in the movie the Wolf People which is being filmed in North Huckleberry Land and we just don't understand what she has against wolves? However, it probably has something to do with her cow collection.
If you do not answer and continue to put me in your files and voicemail box, I will consider this your inability to remedy the situation and get Judge Snow Queen back on her rocker! Thusly, I will proceed with my plans of which I told you - will not be pretty! We have also come into possession of 'off her rocker records' that will confirm that Judge Snow Queen is severely into ivory bones accompanied by incessant gnawing. Gladys Kravits found those records in the neighbor's garbage and has distributed them all over the neighborhood so folks already know this as fact. We also believe they are authentic because Gladys Kravits knows everything and her word is well repected hearsay (gossip) among the community and is a main source of information for the Police Gang Unit along with the illegal wiretapping.
Committed in our quest for appropriate treatment concerning Off Their Rocker Cases. We are also conferring with OTRC for expert advice concerning this matter.
Crystal Clear and Braveheart
P.S. I have bolded very important names for emphasis in case you cannot see.